The personal relationships we build with children and the compassionate care we deliver are two of the many reasons why kids enjoy their visit to our practice.

What are the things that make us different?

  • • Personalized Relationships
  • • Honest Team
  • • Kid-Friendly Environment
  • • Community Involvement
  • • Quality Dentistry
  • • Thorough Education

Your child’s first visit

We need your trust and help to accomplish this goal, especially if your child is anxious. We ask that you discuss positive aspects of dentistry with your child. Convey good feelings about dental visits as being part of growing up. Use positive words with your child like "gentle" and "fun," rather than "won't hurt" or "not scary" because the words hurt and scary are likely all they will hear.

When you don't know the answer to a tough question, it is OK to reassure your child by saying something like "I don't know but we'll be sure to ask at the beginning of your visit." Anxiety is fear of the unknown, and letting our team answer your child's questions may be all they need to feel comfortable. Together we can make your child's dental visit a happy one.

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